FFG Projects
ReNOx - Integrated Production of an Industrial Denitrification Agent from Residues of Biogas and Wastewater Treatment Plants (Subcontract)
Head: M. Ellerdorfer (VTIU); K. Stocker, 01.07.2014- 31.10.2017
Wolfram Felbertal - Development of a new genesis & exploration model for the tungsten deposit Felbertal
J.G. Raith & M. Kozlik, 01.02.2012 - 31.01.2015
Coltan in Austria - Optimisation of the prospecting methodology for the search of primary coltan deposits in Austria
J.G. Raith & K. Stocker, 01.05.2013- 30.09.2014
FWF Projects
Diffusion of fluids through anhydrous minerals (quartz) (P22446)
R. J. Bakker, 01.10.2010 - 30.09.2014
Analysis of aqueous solutes in experimental and natural aqueous fluid inclusions by cryogenic Raman spectroscopy (P18209)
R. J. Bakker, 01.10.2005 - 30.06.2009
Low-temperature transport of platinum-metals and selenium (P17128)
E. Stumpfl, 27.01.2004 - 27.01.2007
Genesis and Platinmineralization of the Guli Massif (P16440)
O. A. R. Thalhammer, 27.01.2003 - 32.12.2006
Fluid inclusions in metamorphic minerals (P14728)
G. Hoinkes (Univ. Graz) & L. W. Diamond, 01.08.2001 - 31.12.2004
Genesis of orogenic gold veins in the NW Alps (P14481-CHE)
L. W. Diamond, 15.07.2000 - 14.07-2003
Base metall deposits, Rum Jungle, N.T., Australia (P14293)
E. Stumpfl, 01.07.2000 - 30.06.2004
Relict's of the Earth's mantle in the Eastern Alps: Geochemical, petrological and geotectonic evolution
F. Melcher, 01.09.1997 - 31.12.1999
Environmental Mineralogy Applied To Areas Contaminated By Sulphide Ore Processing in Northern Finland, Northern Norway and Adjoining Parts of the Kola Peninsula, Russia. (P11983)
E. Stumpfl, 01.01.1997 - 31.03.2001
Granulite-amphibolite facies in high-temperature low-pressure terrains (P11897 - TEC)
J. G. Raith,
Isotopic studies of layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions in N Finland (P10319)
O. A. R. Thalhammer, 01.05.1995 - 30.06.1998
Lise Meitner Program
The nature of subcontinental mantle and its fluids (M866)
Federica Zaccarini, 04.10.2004 - 30.09.2005
The nature of subcontinental mantle and the role of fluid: evidence from unconventional accessory minerals in the Finero complex, Western Alps, Italy (M738)
Federica Zaccarini, 01.09.2003 - 01.10.2004
Platinum-group elements geochemistry and mineralogy in eastern Alpine ultramafic massifs (M601)
Kreshimir N. Malitch, 01.12.2000 - 01.10.2001
Platinum-group elements geochemistry and mineralogy in Eastern Alpine ultramafic massifs (M505)
Kreshimir N. Malitch, 01.10.1999 - 01.12.2000
Austrian Exchange Service
Aktion Österreich - Ungarn
Investigation of the effects of fluid immigration on some fissure rock bodies of the Tisza unit (62öu4).
R. J. Bakker, M. T. Tividar, July 2005 (approved)
Comparison of paleofluid evolution of neighbouring metamorphic complexes (Szeghalom, Mezsas, Furta) of the Pannonian Basin (53öu4)
R. J. Bakker, M. T. Tividar, Jan. 2003 (approved)